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Come cineoperatore lascio molto a desiderare....... però ho cercato di fare del mio meglio: ho predisposto un bricolage delle gare del 2011.

Tantissimi atleti si possono riconoscere.

Spero che l'iniziativa sia di vostro gradimento. Aspetto commenti!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cliccate sui limk sottoriportati

Da youtube:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ait-IWxyxHU
Dal sito atletica:   https://www.atleticavallidinonesole.it/index.php?mod=read&id=1297619850

Youtube:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wr0msQuFjbo
Da sito atletica:  https://www.atleticavallidinonesole.it/index.php?mod=read&id=1298551453


Pubblicato Giovedi 19 Gennaio 2012 - 21:40 (letto 6930 volte)
Comment Commenti (1) Print Stampa

avatarDa: desconhecido Data: Sabato 21 Luglio 2012 - 02:50

I am the secretary of Saltdean Bowling Club and would like to cgtoranulate you on your new site. I have included it in my favourites list.We tend to be the forgotten bowling club and many people do not even know of our existance. We share a pavilion with the tennis club and it is there we can be found. We are a small but very friendly club and I would welcome any Saltdean residents to contact me via our web site. You would be most welcome to come and have a go when the season starts at the end of April 2011. There is no age limit, so come on give me a call. You never know you might enjoy taking up a new sport.

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