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Settimo assoluto, quarto degli atleti italiani e terzo nella categoria Master 35. Riccardo così ha portato a casa la medaglia di bronzo nel campionato italiano master sulla distanza dei 50 Km.

La gara è stata vinta dal keniano Philemon Kipkering con il tempo di 2h 58’ 29. Il secondo assoluto e campione italiano è il bergamasco Emanuele Zenucchi in 3h 1’. Rispettivamente argento e bronzo nel campionato italiano si sono classificati il veneziano Marco Boffo e il reggiano Daniele Palladino.

La gara è stata durissima con una salita impegnativa di 5 Km dal 25° al 30° e i successivi saliscendi fino agli ultimi 5 Km in piano.

Nonostante le salite e il clima caldo; Riccardo ha chiuso in 3h 12’ alla media di 3’ 50’’ al Km, con un po’ di amaro in bocca per il podio mancato nella classifica assoluta, ma con la soddisfazione di avere corso una gara emozionante in un ambiente molto bello.

Con il piazzamento di ieri per Riccardo potrebbero aprirsi le porte della squadra nazionale sulle lunghe distanze in vista dei campionati europei e mondiali sulla distanza dei 100 Km.


Pubblicato Lunedi 26 Aprile 2010 - 10:34 (letto 8299 volte)
Comment Commenti (1) Print Stampa

avatarDa: sconosciuto Data: Venerdi 28 Settembre 2012 - 05:26

then, and I still think I believe it about Ben:[\quote]Comment 250, poestd 3 weeks, 5 days ago Quote and reply[\quote] Re: “I don’t believe Ben ever worked for Jacob”: I think it’s been established that the Others – Ben, Richard, Dogen, at al – that whole clan – work for Jacob. That’s what they’re there for… [\quote]I agree that clearly Ben was working for Jacob, but did he “go rogue” and do some things that Jacob did not request?Some examples:Taking John Locke to the cabinShooting him and leaving him for dead in the Dharma mass graveTurning the wheel and leaving the islandGoing through Jacob’s “list”, and having people on the list murdered while off the islandMurdering John Locke off the islandKilling Jacob (of course)I even wonder — his mass murder of the Dharmites — was that ordered by Jacob? Maybe it was but I don’t really know.I think these things provide evidence that Ben was not always a good follower of Jacob, and acted in his own interest sometimes. It is possible that by acting in “his own interest”, he let himself be manipulated by MIB or at least unknowingly contribute to his agenda? An obvious example — stabbing Jacob, but other actions also contributed to his agenda.Also, recall how Ben knew how to summon “Smokie”, and also the magic closet. Was the magic closet something all the “Others” knew about, or was it something Ben discovered on his own, perhaps in the process playing into the hands of MIB? Recall how Ben said the closet could make whatever you wish appear, and Locke made his kidney-stealing deadbeat father appear. The “whatever you wish” idea sounds very MIB, not very Jacob.It is clear Ben worked for Jacob, but I just wonder if by acting on his own for his own interests, he was deceived by MIB and fell under his influence, eventually betraying Jacob? Sort of like Judas in the story of Jesus?[\quote]

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